Hyperarchy is a collaborative decision-making tool based on ranked-pairs voting. This version is a stripped-down prototype designed for internal use at GitHub. It's licensed under the AGPL, and I will be developing it gradually based on our needs and experience within GitHub over the coming months.
Hyperarchy is a Rails app and is designed for easy deployment to Heroku.
With exceptions noted below getting Hyperarchy running should be similar to any
standard Rails application that you'd put on Heroku. In addition to the typical
Postgres database requirement, Hyperarchy also requires Redis and a real-time
messaging service called Pusher. Configuring the application
will require changes to environment variables in a .env
file and entries in
Hyperarchy loads various environment variables from a .env
file located in the
application's root in development. There's a .env.example file which lists various
environment variables you'll need to run the application. Run cp .env.example .env
and then edit the file to fill in relevant values for your variables.
: This is any random string, 128 characters long. Rails uses it as a unique identifier of your app for security purposes. -
: Hyperarchy uses a service called Pusher to send real-time updates to clients. You'll need to setup an account with them, then synthesize this URL based on the the API credentials. Don't follow the instructions on their site, just find the page with a listing like the following and use these values to construct a URL based on the example:Pusher.app_id = 'xxxx' Pusher.key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' Pusher.secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
: This can be any name. Different environments should have different channel names, like "hyperarchy_production", "hyperarchy_staging", and "hyperarchy_development" so that messages stay separate. -
REDISTOGO_URL: Hyperarchy requires a Redis server for synchronization purposes. You can install redis with homebrew:
brew install redis
and follow the instructions to start the server on your machine. Make sure the URL in the file matches your server's hostname and port.
Like most Rails apps, Hyperarchy depends on a relational database. Because it's designed for Heroku deployment, it uses PostgreSQL. If you're on a Mac, you can install Postgres with Homebrew:
brew install postgres
Then follow the instructions (available via brew info postgres
) to create the
initial database and start the server. You'll need to run cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
and change the credentials for
your Postgres server. You can create a new Postgres user with the createuser
Install Ruby 1.9
Install Bundler: You may need to prefix this command with
depending on your Ruby installation.gem install bundler
Install Hyperarchy's gems using Bundler:
bundle install
Make sure your database server is started, then run rake db:create db:migrate
to create and migrate the database. If you have problems here, it may be because
you didn't change database.yml
to connect to your database.
Finally, should should be able to start the application:
rails server
The basic authentication built into Hyperarchy is still pretty rough. We use a GitHub-specific scheme at GitHub, but I wanted to add something in there to make it easy to sign up and get started. Authentication is based on the omniauth-identity strategy, so reading its documentation may be a jumping off point for customizing the look of the login screen.
Login errors don't display due to my custom ORM needing to implement ActiveModel. This will be fixed in a future revision.
The application is designed to be deployed to Heroku. You'll need to enable the
Pusher and Redis To Go addons on your application in addition to the standard
Postgres database. Also make sure you use heroku config:set
to assign the
RAILS_SECRET and the PUSHER_CHANNEL on your application. Then push and migrate
the databases. There's a deploy
rake task to handle putting up a maintenance
page when you need to push app changes that are bundled with migrations, but you'll
need to change the names of the heroku applications mentioned in the --app