
date is not defined?

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It keeps telling me that date is not defined.

Error log:

Uncaught ReferenceError: date is not defined
at Object. (app.js:sourcemap:14823)
at webpack_require (app.js:sourcemap:20)
at Object. (app.js:sourcemap:9818)
at webpack_require (app.js:sourcemap:20)
at Object.defineProperty.value (app.js:sourcemap:14004)
at webpack_require (app.js:sourcemap:20)
at Object. (app.js:sourcemap:12789)
at webpack_require (app.js:sourcemap:20)
at Object.defineProperty.value (app.js:sourcemap:58614)
at webpack_require (app.js:sourcemap:20)

DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://localhost:8080/js/

I tried to pass a date prop when rendering the component that contains the calendar but doesn't work.

Take a look at moment.js
Here is the link: