
easily manage route53 on multiple accounts

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



managing your dns in route53 across multiple accounts should be easy.


tooling to make managing your dns in route53 across multiple accounts simple and easy using libaws.


go install github.com/nathants/libaws@latest

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

or use the dockerfile



clone this repo, and setup a new private remote. you will version your dns data here. you probably don't want this on public github.

setup your credentials using: libaws creds-add -h

you can now list all your credentials with: libaws creds-ls


pull all your dns records across all accounts with: bash bin/pull.sh

commit this initial data.

your repo now looks like:

>> tree
├── accounts
│   ├── work-prod
│   │   └── dns.txt
│   ├── work-staging
│   │   └── dns.txt
│   ├── work-scratch
│   │   └── dns.txt
│   ├── personal-prod
│   │   └── dns.txt
│   └── personal-scratch
│       └── dns.txt
└── bin
    ├── ensure_all.sh
    ├── ensure.sh
    ├── preview_all.sh
    ├── preview.sh
    └── pull.sh

the dns.txt files contain entries created by route53-ls that look like:

example.com example.com       Type=A     TTL=60 Value= Value=
example.com cname.example.com Type=CNAME TTL=60 Value=about.us-west-2.domain.example.com
example.com alias.example.com Type=Alias        Value=d-XXX.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com     HostedZoneId=XXX


you can now modify or add entires to these files, and deploy them.

you could make a change like:

>> git diff
diff --git a/accounts/work-prod/dns.txt b/accounts/work-prod/dns.txt
index 4b959e4..67415b7 100644
--- a/accounts/work-prod/dns.txt
+++ b/accounts/work-prod/dns.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-example.com foo.example.com Type=CNAME TTL=300 Value=bar
+example.com foo.example.com Type=CNAME TTL=300 Value=barr


to preview those changes, use bash bin/preview_all.sh or bash bin/preview.sh work-prod, which looks like:

>> bash bin/preview_all.sh
preview dns: work-prod
lib/route53.go:258: preview: route53 update Values for foo.example.com: ["bar"] => ["barr"]
preview dns: work-staging
preview dns: work-scratch
preview dns: personal-prod
preview dns: personal-scratch

no output means no changes.


to deploy those changes using route53-ensure-record, use bash bin/ensure_all.sh or bash bin/ensure.sh work-prod, which looks like:

>> bash bin/ensure_all.sh
ensure dns: work-prod
lib/route53.go:258: route53 update Values for foo.example.com: ["bar"] => ["barr"]
lib/route53.go:284: route53 updated record: foo.example.com
ensure dns: work-staging
ensure dns: work-scratch
ensure dns: personal-prod
ensure dns: personal-scratch


like all the ensure functions in libaws, ensure creates or updates infrastructure as needed, but does not remove it.

to delete a record, remove it from its dns.txt:

>> git diff
diff --git a/accounts/dns/dns.txt b/accounts/dns/dns.txt
index 4b959e4..dd68522 100644
--- a/accounts/work-prod/dns.txt
+++ b/accounts/work-prod/dns.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-example.com foo.example.com Type=CNAME TTL=300 Value=barr

then preview the delete using route53-rm-record:

>> libaws route53-rm-record --preview example.com foo.example.com Type=CNAME TTL=300 Value=barr
lib/route53.go:85: preview: route53 deleted record foo.example.com: TTL=300 Type=CNAME Value=barr

then perform the delete using route53-rm-record:

>> libaws route53-rm-record example.com foo.example.com Type=CNAME TTL=300 Value=barr
lib/route53.go:85: route53 deleted record foo.example.com: TTL=300 Type=CNAME Value=barr


add pull.sh to your crontab to keep track of changes to your dns:

0 15 * * * bash -c 'cd ~/repos/aws-ensure-route53 && bash bin/pull.sh'

when you notice uncommited changes in git status, you can either commit them, or investigate them. foo likely should not be barr.