- 2
Does cocoon work with self-joins?
#634 opened by ITS-Marcelo - 1
Not rendering form field in the viewthat is nested 2 step deep in the form.
#627 opened by JuzerShakir - 0
Release new gem version 1.2.16
#633 opened by shtirlic - 4
preventDefault issue
#632 opened by hksk - 2
Allow attaching multiple files to a nested field
#631 opened by bunnakal - 1
Cocoon Javascript without jQuery
#580 opened by dabroz - 1
Latest version (1.2.15) not available on NPM
#623 opened by p8 - 1
- 6
load more functionality for nested child
#625 opened by hafizabdulbasit - 1
link_to_remove_association breaks when floated
#628 opened by nafster - 2
- 0
`link_to_remove` does not remove elements from DOM, and thus does not support clearing out enum array
#624 opened by anaulin - 2
Issue with application.html.haml when running rails s
#621 opened by loso-nd - 0
How can i add Rails 7 ?
#620 opened by dastanabeuov - 5
Inserted element does not respond to change event
#612 opened by mhassaan - 2
Font awesome icon with link_to_add_association
#619 opened by kouroubel - 3
Javascript not included in Rails 7
#613 opened by ConfusedVorlon - 5
Headache with "has_many through" associations
#616 opened by MissHenesy - 4
event.preventDefault(); is not working.
#614 opened by surenderrwt - 1
undefined method `template' for #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy
#611 opened by rgmoises - 2
Nested Form not visible in Edit Page
#594 opened by apjanvekar - 9
- 1
Limit number of nested fields wiki improvement
#599 opened by kevkev300 - 5
Rendering the edit screen for an item with a has_one association deletes the association
#609 opened by ConfusedVorlon - 2 maintenance
#607 opened by brandoncc - 2
Rails 6 compatibility
#608 opened by brandoncc - 2
For some reason my cocoon form is not showing already existing records for nested field in edit form.
#606 opened by ratnamyadav - 2
- 1
Edit View for Nested Form not showing.....
#603 opened by dannieltung - 2
- 2
[Feature Request] Automatically add empty fields
#601 opened by Floppy - 4
Cocoon and active storage. ActionView::Template::Error (picture delegated to blob, but blob is nil):
#597 opened by Lee1984 - 2
Problem when editing - duplicates child items
#596 opened by gabydi106 - 6
preventDefault does not stop action
#595 opened by randikabanura - 5
association in controller for show nested forms
#592 opened by Halvanhelv - 2
Simple form wrappers break with new entries
#591 opened by KelseyDH - 1
ActionView::Template::Error (uninitialized constant) when using Mongoid Embeds Many Association
#590 opened by boyfunky - 2
- 6
Form within a nested form
#585 opened by atomical - 1
- 2
Checking whether or not date inputs are 30 days apart after insert is fired off
#584 opened by RailsCod3rFuture - 6
Ability to clone nested form
#589 opened by przbadu - 1
- 1
Only show new fields page refresh
#583 opened by RailsCod3rFuture - 8
Deep nesting form accessing last nested model
#582 opened by f-adrien - 5
wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)
#581 opened by SimonDKnight - 2
How to add association for 2 fields at the same time
#578 opened by lo-bi - 3
- 8
JS does not respond with remove link
#574 opened by RickEaton - 2
Association equipment doesn't exist on Equipment
#572 opened by davi-dv