Demo files for my "Intro to D3" tech talk at the ECAL Tech Center
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to d3.js - A nice overview of the ecosystem and reasons to use d3
- The official quick start
- The official longer tutorial
- The API documentation
- An intro to the .join() function that replaces the General Update Pattern:
- A cool intro to d3-force for physics simulation in your dataviz
- A Big List of tutorials
Install this small server:
npm install -g reload
And launch it by running this command inside the project folder:
[Optional] To get a proper linting and IntelliSense experience, run:
npm install
Side note: The file global.d.ts
might be optional depending on how smart your editor is.
Project demo inspired by
Data from:
Used libraries:
- D3.js
- The d3-scale-chromatic plugin