
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Twitter, one of the world’s largest social media services, has now become a platform for politicians, organizations, and companies to give updates to their followers. Users representing a company or a political party use Twitter to state views on current news, push their political campaigns and even confirm official policy decisions. Important figures that have used the site to broadcast their thoughts to millions of followers include Tesla founder Elon Musk, European Commission President Donald Tusk, and current UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This code aims to explore whether the tweets of current US President Donald Trump have any effect on the stock market. To analyze Trump’s tweets, I have collected approximately 3000 tweets from 28 July 2019 to 16 November 2019 (retweets included), using the Twitter API through the Python module Tweepy. To do this, we created a developer account on Twitter and then used the cursor method. I have then cleaned the tweets and used TextBlob, a sentiment analysis tool, to retrieve the sentiment of the tweets. I've also created a few visualisations for the data.

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