
API test automation project using Java, TestNG and REST Assured.

Primary LanguageJava


API test automation project using Java, TestNG and REST Assured. The tests include JSON schema, key values and currency codes validations. There are 2 tests, one to validate the latest exchange rates and another to validate historical exchange rates. For the historical test, the fixed date '2010-01-12' was used.

Observation: In case you wish to test other historical dates, the currency-codes.csv file might need to be updated. It only contains current currency codes found online and old ones found on the specified '2010-01-12' date.

Additional libraries

Besides TestNG and REST Assured, this project also uses additional libraries, such as:

  • ExtentReports: to generate the test evidence in an elegant and user friendly way as an HTML file
  • JSONSchemaValidator: to validate that the body of the request's response matches the JSON schema file


  • Java 8 installed

Running the tests

Tests can be run using the following commands:

set classpath=<path where you saved the project>\exchange-rates\target\test-classes;<path where you saved the project>\exchange-rates\target\dependency\*
java org.testng.TestNG <path where you saved the project>\exchange-rates\testng.xml 

This command will run the tests and generate the HTML file with the test evidences using ExtentReports.

Test results

After the execution, you will be able to find the HTML file of the generated report inside the reports folder.