Netlify Status wakatime

pompom time

Pompom Time it's and app to encourage women know more about their bodies.

Project developed with:

To develop this project we are using the following technologies:

Test developed with:

To run the project you need to install:

Setup environment

Create a .env file based on the contents of .env.template, customizing values as follows:

  • VITE_IDENTITY_URL: is the app URL
  • HASURA_API_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT: is the API graphql from Hasura

The following postgres env is created with docker.

  • POSTGRES_USER: postgres config

  • POSTGRES_PASS: postgres config

  • POSTGRES_DBNAME: postgres config

  • PG_DATABASE_URL: postgres://:@host:5432/<db_name>

  • HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgres://:@host:5432/<db_name>

Hasura config


The following configs are used to setup the Hasura and are referent to the hasura-pompom folder:


This project uses a submodule to set up the Hasura. In order to have the migrations, seeds and metadata you should request the GitHub key to the codeowner of this project so you will able to fetch the private submodule.

Before starting the project you must install the dependencies:


To start the project you have to run the commands:

This command with start the docker to create the DB and Graphql environment and after it will start the front-end

yarn dev

But if is the first time you are running locally, we also have to create the "workouts" table. In order to do that, you can use the hasura cli and execute:

hasura migrate apply --envfile .env --database-name default
hasura seeds apply --envfile .env --database-name default
hasura metadata apply --envfile .env

Graphql query and mutation

In case you need to create a new query or mutation after the file creation you can run the script to generate the types from the schema:

yarn codegen

✅ Done! Enjoy the app and send new ideas.