
Parsing rpn calculations from a csv

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coding Challenge [WIP]

Build a csv parser for a spreadsheet:

  • write in node and without dependencies
  • each cell in the input csv includes a postfix notation (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation)
  • numbers and operators are separated by one or more spaces
  • a cell can refer to another cell via letter number notation (A2, B6 etc)
  • letters refer to columns, numbers to rows
  • support for + - * / math operators
  • cells that generate an error will print ERR but all other cells still do the deed
  • the app should print the output to stdout (no need to save new file)



b1 b2 +,2 b2 3 * -, ,+
a1     ,5         , ,7 2 /
c2 3 * ,1 2       , ,5 1 2 + 4 * + 3 -



Shouldn’t take you longer than 3-4h, don’t over engineer.