
Term Rewriting Systems infrastructure

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Term Rewriting Systems infrastructure

Girafe provides a set of tools based on a minimal term rewriting systems language that can be interpreted or compiled to various targets.

See the examples/ folder for small demos.

Multiple preprocessors and transformations can be applied to support laziness, imports, currying, non-linearity etc.. see src/Compiler/Passes/


$ npm install -g girafe


Girafe programs can be compiled to javascript, ocaml or haskell using:

$ grf src.grf out.ext js/ocaml/haskell

Or interpreted using:

$ grf src.grf [query]

Use Cases

  • Target language for functional (lazy or eager) programming languages (see croco)
  • Symbolic computation
  • Automated theorem proving
  • Abstract data type specifications


  • Use a necessity heuristic when building decision-trees
  • Simulate lazy rewriting correctly
  • Add targets (c/rust/wasm)
  • Confluence checks
  • Tail call elimination
  • Simple optimizations


  1. Maranget, Luc (2008) Compiling Pattern Matching to Good Decision Trees
  2. Martelli & Montanari (1982) An Efficient Unification Algorithm
  3. Fokkink, Wan & Kamperman, Jasper & Walters, Pum. (1999). Lazy Rewriting on Eager Machinery. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems. 22. 10.1145/345099.345102.
  4. Klop, jan willem. (2000). Term Rewriting Systems.