Foursquare Search (MVP - Model-View-Presenter)

Demo video can be checked from here:

Running the project

Before running the app, make sure to add following values to the file:

# version can be changed if needed


  • Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection and easy to use

  • MvpPresenter: I used ViewModel as a base of MvpPresenter as it's provided by the platform and because of the Dagger Hilt support. I implemented MvpPresenter by extending ViewModel. I tried not to over-engineer the solution, that's why I think solution is maintainable with current requirements and architecture. I wrote unit tests for the complex part of SearchPresenter. Presenter directly uses injected LocationRepository and SearchVenuesUseCase. I wrote some unit tests for SearchVenuesUseCase since it has page related calculation.

  • RxJava 2: To use publish-subscribe pattern and make threading easy, I used RxJava 2. Mainly used Observable and Single. Besides those, I used RxBinding and RxRelay2.

  • Retrofit and Moshi: used for fetching data from API and deserializing JSON. At work I use GSON as well but I have read often that Moshi is faster than GSON, that's why, I used it. I also wrote test for FoursquareRequestInterceptorTest which adds client id, secret and API version to all requests by default.

  • Utilized DiffUtil to prevent unnecessary updates in RecyclerView

  • Paging 3: it was first time I used new Paging 3 library. I have used previously Paging 2 but compared to that one, it was simpler to implement pagination using Paging 3.

  • Github Actions: used this for creating basic CI with validate, build and test workflows.

Some future to do:

  • Unfortunately, I didn't have time to polish UI. UI definitely needs some polishing, extracting styles to make it more reusable. Also, it'd be nice to implement more explaining screen for the location permission.

  • Implement offline-first approach

  • Dark theme implementation

  • UI tests for activity to make sure correct states are displayed

  • Change logo :D

  • ...