
Protoc plugin for terraform providers

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repo is a spike, and is not maintained

Check out Teleport Plugins if you need Teleport's Terraform plugin.


protoc-gen-tfschema is a protoc plugin that generates Terraform-compatible schemas that you can use to build your own Terraform providers for a service that already has a GRPC API and defines it's with Protobuf.

protoc-gen-schema is in active development. Your contributions are very welcome. Maybe don't use it in production yet, as the schema output format may change.


You'd need several components to build a Terraform provider:

  • your API client and settings to authenticate it
  • resource schema definitions
  • funcitons to create, update, delete, and read the data from your API
  • as a part of those funcitons, marshalling and unmarshalling data between terraform and your API formats.

If your target app provides .proto description of it's API data types, you can use protoc-gen-tfschema to generate the resource definitions and marshalling/unmarshalling components automatically.

You'll still need to provide an API client initialization code, and call the API to execute CRUD features.

We assume that protobuf & protobuf-gen-go are installed on your system.

Here's how to generate resource schemas:

go install github.com/nategadzhi/protoc-gen-tfschema

protoc --proto_path ./proto/teleport --proto_path=. --proto_path=/Users/xnutsive/go/src/github.com/gravitational/teleport/vendor/github.com/gogo/protobuf --proto_path=/Users/xnutsive/go/src types.proto --tfschema_out=./out/teleport --go_out=./out/teleport --tfschema_opt="types=Metadata,UserSpecV2,UserV2"

You also could clone this repo and run:

make example # Builds example schema for Terraform

Command line options

--tfschema_opt= accepts several options:

  • types defines what Protobuf Messages (types) to generate resource schemas for.
  • pkgname defines what package name to use for the resulting files. Defaults to tfschema.


  • Resource Schemas: generate schemas for your resources with a single CLI command.
  • Unmarshalling from Terraform data: generates functions that unmarshall data form Terraform to Go types generated from the Protobuf messages.

Things that are NOT supported yet

  • The plugin can't generate Computed flag for schema fields. There's no way to know that the field is computed from the proto.

Next steps

  • [*] An example project to test the generated schemas
  • Provide unmarshalling generators
  • Provide terraform data source schema generators
  • Provide terraform schema importers, versions, and updaters