
A program for visualising data from a WhatApp chat.

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A web app for visualising data from a WhatsApp chat.

The current version can be used here for chats exported from iOS.


WhatsApp offers users the ability to export chats as text files.
These text files' format make it easy to parse, and to gather interesting data from them.


To gain insight into the statistics of a chat, it is necessary to define some terms.

Term Meaning
Chat A chat of messages between two or more users.
Member A participant in a chat.
Member Group A set of participants in a chat.
Message An image, audio file, or text sent into a chat.
Image An image sent into a chat with or without text.
Audio An audio file, from a voice recording or otherwise, sent into a chat.
Video An video sent into a chat with or without text.
Location A location, sent into a chat.
Document A document sent into a chat with or without text.
Text Some simple text sent into a chat.
Conversation A series of messages sent into a chat without a significant delay between them (must be defined more clearly).
Lit A conversation is said to be 'lit' for a given time period if its average delay between messages for that time period is less than 40 seconds (research needed).
Response Definition Needed (A message that is being sent because another message had been sent in before. Difficult to define with time because a user might not respond for days.)
Conversation starter A message is said to be a 'conversation starter' if it is the first message sent after a significant delay since the last conversation in the chat.
Conversation finisher A message is said to be a 'conversation finisher' if it is the last message of a conversation.
Seen A message is said to be seen after 24hrs (research needed) have passed since it was sent into the chat.
Activity The creation of a chat, members leaving a chat, members joining a chat, or any type of message into a chat.


Queries about the data in the whatsapp chat are the heart of the project. Implementing each query to find figures is easy. The difficult/time consuming part is to integrated the query into the app by representing the data in an easy-to-read nice way.

Here are some examples of information about a chat that a user may be interested in:


  • Message counts of members of a chat
  • Image count of members of a chat
  • Audio file count of members of a chat


  • Message count of a chat
  • Image count of a chat
  • Audio file count of a chat
  • Video count of a chat


  • Average message count per day/month/year
  • Emoji count of members of a chat
  • Conversation starters/finishers count of members of a chat
  • Conversation count of members of a chat
  • Conversation counts of member groups
  • Time of the day/week/year chat is most active
  • Time of the day/week/year a member is most active
  • Chat activity before vs after a member is added/leaves
  • What were the most lit conversations about
  • Chat activity over time
  • Member activity over time
  • Member who gets the most/least responses
  • Average number of responses to a conversation starter of members of a chat

Parsing chat activity


A WhatsApp chat's text file is made up of lines of activity. Each activity is represented by its own line and takes the form:

dd/mm/yy, hh:mm:ss: <activity>

Activities can take different forms:

We can see that Messages always begin with <user>, while other types of activity may not.

Activity Form in chat exported without media
Member addition <user>' was added' or <user>' added you' or You were added
Member removal <user>' was removed' or <user> removed you
Member leaving <user>' left' or 'You left'
Encryption message 'Messages you send to this group are now secured with end-to-end encryption.' or 'Messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption.'
Admin change 'You're now an admin'
Number change <user>' changed from ‪'<number>'‬ to '‪<number> or 'changed from ‪'<number>'‬ to '‪<number>'
Group chat creation 'You created the group "'<group name>'"' or <user> created this group
Change of subject <user>' changed the subject to "'<new subject>'"' or 'You changed the subject to "'<new subject>'
Location <user>': location: https://maps.google.com/?q='<longitude>','<latitude>
Change of icon <user>' changed this group's icon' or 'You changed this group's icon'
Image <user>': <image omitted>'
Audio <user>': <audio omitted>
Video <user>': <video ommited>
Document <user>': <document omitted>'
Contact <user>': <Contact card omitted>'
Text <user>': '<message>


Chats exported from Android have a different format, so parsing them is different. I have not ventured as far as implementing the parsing of chats exported from Android, as I have an iPhone and only really attempted this project because a casual interest. If you wish to expand the repo to deal with chats exported from other Operating Systems, I encourage you to make a pull reequest!