
MVC prototype of the Transfer Digital Records frontend

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Transfer Digital Records: MVC prototype

Build Status


Prototype project to experiment with the basic features of the Transfer Digital Records project in a Play MVC app.

It is based on the Play Hello World Scala seed project.


This project uses the GOV.UK Design System to lay out the pages and style components.

Run the project

Generate GraphQL Objects from GraphQL schema

Update conf/schema.graphl

Create graphql queries or mutations in /app/graphql

Run sbt graphqlCodegen

Examples of use app/controllers/ViewCollectionsController.scala

Build the JavaScript components

Run npm install the first time to install dependencies. Run npm run build to compile the components, or run npm run watch to make webpack automatically rebuild the components when any of the JavaScript source files change.

Command line

Run sbt, filling in the environment variable values:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=some_access_key \
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=some_secret_key \
sbt run

Then visit http://localhost:9000


Add a new sbt configuration:

  • Set the task to run
  • Uncheck "Use SBT shell" so that you can edit the environment variables
  • Add an environment variable for each of the values in the command line section above
  • Save the configuration, and hit Run or Debug

Then visit http://localhost:9000

Note: Intellij may fail to build the project successfully. If this occurs compile the project first from the command line. Then try from Intellij again.


Automated deployment

Currently, Travis automatically deploys the master branch by running the scripts/deploy.sh script.

Manual deployment


Deployment is via a docker image running on ECS. The docker image is self contained and defined in the Dockerfile.

Build a production distribution

On your dev machine, build the frontend

npm run build

Build the Play app:

sbt clean dist

Build and push the docker image

docker build -t nationalarchives/prototype-play-app:dev .
docker push nationalarchives/prototype-play-app:dev

Deploy to ECS

aws ecs update-service --service tdr-application-service-dev --cluster tdr-prototype-ecs-dev --force-new-deployment