
This is a repository that we'll use to discover Odoo and it's capability to satisfy our means.

Welcome to the Odoo Sandbox


A temporary repo where we can bang on Odoo and figure out how well it can work without having to worry about the details of running and installing the whole shebang.


Note: These steps expect that you have Docker running on your computer. Docker is a nice tool that makes the magic go in Step 3. Please visit https://www.docker.com/products/docker to get it on your local system.

  1. git clone https://github.com/nation-of-makers/odoo-sandbox.git
  2. cd odoo-sandbox
  3. sudo docker-compose up
  4. Open your browser to http://localhost:8069/.
  5. Have fun.


Please fork this repo, apply changes, then open a Pull Request on this repo pointing at your changes.


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