kmrf (Kmer Ratio Filter), pronounced Amere Fine. Estimate read error rate with ratio .
If you haven't a rust environment you can use rustup or your package manager.
Recommended solution.
cargo install --git
git clone
cd kmrf
cargo install --path .
To plot against badread real error rate. You need badread reads in fasta format, pandas, altair package in your python environment and run this in kmrf directory:
cargo run --release -- -i {badread_reads.fasta} -o /dev/null -s {pcon_solid_kmer_file} -vvvv 2>&1 | grep "DEBUG" | cut -d$' ' -f 4 > {out.csv}
./script/ -i {out.csv} -f {badread_reads.fasta} -o out.{png|html}
Currently the minimum supported Rust version is 1.57.0.