Classes 🆑

AlxBnB supports the following classes:

  • BaseModel
  • User
  • State
  • City
  • Amenity
  • Place
  • Review

Storage 🛄

The above classes are handled by one of either two abstracted storage engines, depending on the call - FileStorage or DBStorage.


The default mode.

In FileStorage mode, every time the backend is initialized, HolbertonBnB instantiates an instance of FileStorage called storage. The storage object is loaded/re-loaded from any class instances stored in the JSON file file.json. As class instances are created, updated, or deleted, the storage object is used to register corresponding changes in the file.json.


Run by setting the environmental variables HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db.

In DBStorage mode, every time the backend is initialized, HolbertonBnB instantiates an instance of DBStorage called storage. The storage object is loaded/re-loaded from the MySQL database specified in the environmental variable HBNB_MYSQL_DB, using the user HBNB_MYSQL_USER, password HBNB_MYSQL_PWD, and host HBNB_MYSQL_HOST. As class instances are created, updated, or deleted, the storage object is used to register changes in the corresponding MySQL database. Connection and querying is achieved using SQLAlchemy.

Note that the databases specified for DBStorage to connect to must already be defined on the MySQL server. This repository includes scripts setup_mysql_dev.sql and setup_mysql_test.sql to set up hbnb_dev_db and hbnb_test_db databases in a MySQL server, respectively.

Console 💻

The console is a command line interpreter that permits management of the backend of HolbertonBnB. It can be used to handle and manipulate all classes utilized by the application (achieved by calls on the storage object defined above).