Extract sample from Caustic's Beatbox preset.
Open the project on Visual Studio 2015 and build.
Caustic BeatBox sample extractor v1.0
Usage: BeatboxExt [beatbox preset file] [options] [file/folder]
-n <sample name> Extract single sample by name. (If the name contain spaces,
you must use two double quote like this "My sample")
-i <sample order> Extract single sample by order.
Extract all samples BeatboxExt 606.beatbox /path/to/output/folder/ (output folder must be a valid folder)
Extract sample by name BeatboxExt 606.beatbox -n "Kick" /path/to/file.wav
Extract sample by order BeatboxExt 606.beatbox -i 1 /path/to/file.wav
BeatboxExt only support preset version v3.2.0 and v0.2.1.
Other versions will be supported soon