
A nativescript-vue application showcasing all elements, used to generate screenshots for the docs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NativeScript-Vue UI tests

This project uses Appium to test Vue UI components, and also serves as a source for the component screenshots at nativescript-vue.org.

System requirements

  • Node 7.6 or higher (for async function support).
  • The Appium client. Just download and install the latest from GitHub or execute the following command:
npm install -g appium

iOS requirements

  • Carthage:
brew install carthage

Running the tests locally

Start Appium, which is

  • Using the desktop app, press 'Start the server'
  • Using the NPM package, execute appium on a terminal

Otherwise you'll receive an error can't be reached.


Edit the appium.capabilities.json config file, in the android23 section, with your device/emulators parameters, probably only the avd or deviceName parameters would be enough.

Start the tests:

npm run android.build
adb install ./platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
npm run android.screenshots


Edit the appium.capabilities.json config file, in the ios-simulator103iPhone6 section, with your device/emulators parameters.

Build the iOS app

npm run ios.build

Start XCode and open the platforms/ios/nativescriptvueuitests.xcodeproj file.

Run the app on the emulator. This is needed in order to have the app installed.

Run the tests:

npm run ios.screenshots