
Example application to play around with SQS, S3 bucket and AWS Lambda in Go using Localstack. Deployed in Kind k8s cluster

Primary LanguageGo


Example application to play around with SQS, S3 bucket and AWS Lambda in Go. Deployed in Kind k8s cluster.

Uses LocalStack for emulating AWS cloud stack, awslocal as a wrapper for aws cli and aws-sdk-go for calling AWS from services in Go.


Sync submodule after cloning repository:

git submodule update --init -r



Create Kind cluster and configure Ingress:

./setup.sh init

Each Lambda function will run in a separate Docker container and docker socket needs to be mounted into the localstack container, so config for Kind has it mounted too


./setup.sh install

It will run 2 services: publisher and analyzer and expose them locally (by Ingress). Publisher can send messages to SQS that invokes AWS Lambda (using event source mapping). Lambda function notifies analyzer service by adding file to S3 bucket, sending SQS message and direct call. Analyzer keeps tracks of how many times it was invoked and by what localstack service, so that it can be checked later.
Localstack is provisioned in init container for analyzer pod. It contains script for creating SQS, S3, Lambda and event source mapping.

Call services:

  • Check currently running pods and wait until analyzer is up:
watch kubectl get all -n test-localstack
  • Open http://localhost/publish/msg in browser.
    This request calls publisher service that will send message to sqs (worker_sqs queue). Sqs message invokes Lambda and Lambda calls analyzer service by 3 ways:

    • call analyzer directly
    • send message to result_sqs queue. Analyzer polls this queue
    • put file with result to s3 bucket. It triggers sending message to s3_sqs queue using event source mapping. . Analyzer polls s3_sqs queue too.
  • Get statistics, returns how many times analyzer was called: http://localhost/publish/stats
    It can take few seconds to finish work and show updated statistics. Each Lambda call should update it. Analyzer keeps track separately for direct calls and received messages from result_sqs and s3_sqs queues.

Call analyzer manually (will update direct call statistic): http://localhost/analyze/msg

Get statistics directly from analyzer: http://localhost/analyze/stats

Clean up:

./setup.sh delete - remove deployments

./setup.sh clean - delete kind cluster