Rick & Morty Challengue


App deployed in Netlify: https://nervous-mahavira-708b47.netlify.app/

This repo contains a react application that uses a data from Rick Morty API, to return a JSON with the results required for a challenge.

Thanks for reviewing, I keep remaining if you want to give me feedback!

Inside the repo, the principal folder is src, and it contains:

  • scr:

    • pages:

      • Challengue.js: This file has the principal render component, with the required results.
    • utils:

      • charCount.js: Contain a function which counts how many times appear a letter in all the names for each item.

      • getEpisodesLocations.js: Contain a function that returns an array with all the character's origin locations for each episode.

    • services:

      • apiFetch.js: Contain a function that fetch data from the API.

API: https://rickandmortyapi.com/

Before running any other script you should install your dependencies running:

yarn install

After that, you can see the results only running:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.\


This app has tests for each file, if you want to see them, only run:

yarn test