
Primary LanguageVim script

Nat Ritmeyer's dot files


The easiest way to manage these dot files is to deploy them using GNU Stow - install with brew install stow.


  1. Clone this repo to the home directory. Should result in ~/dotfiles.
  2. Run stow dirname for each set of dotfiles to be symlinked in the home directory. E.g. to create symlinks in the home directory that point at the dotfiles in the git directory, run stow git.



  • Set up to work with checkstyle's google_checks.xml


  • .gitconfig - Normal gitconfig
  • .gitigore_global - Stuff I want ignoring everywhere (.gitconfig points to this file)


  • .jabbarc - sets the version of Java I want JAVA_HOME to point to.
Install and configuration notes
  1. Install as per instructions on home page
  2. Install jdk: jabba install openjdk@1.11.0-1
  3. stow jabba
  4. Set default jdk: jabba alias default openjdk@1.11.0-1


  • .mavenrc set up to ignore ssl errors from maven repos with bad certs - use only if cacerts can't be updated with relevant self-signed cert