- 1
- 1
- 3
#676 opened by aradalvand - 0
Shouldn't NatsBuilder register NatsClient to DI?
#687 opened by W1zzardTPU - 3
Example is not working
#682 opened by matteoventuri7 - 0
Implement Push Consumers
#686 opened by mtmk - 3
Add .NET 9 framework support
#681 opened by darkwatchuk - 3
- 2
- 7
Expose a public API for getting NatsHeaders in the byte array (serialization)
#638 opened by Farrukhjon - 2
- 5
- 2
JetStream Batch Get Client support
#636 opened by mtmk - 1
How to create and pass instances of new NatsMsg<T>() to the NatsConnection#PublishAsync<T>(in NatsMsg<T> msg....) API correctly?
#632 opened by Farrukhjon - 3
Compiler Error: 'ChannelReader<T>' does not contain a definition for 'ReadAllAsync'
#667 opened by danyromero-ebet - 0
- 0
- 1
Can't update a stream config on a cluster when using mirroring and an optional start time
#659 opened by darkwatchuk - 3
publisher stops suddenly. (deadlock?)
#645 opened by caoyang1024 - 0
INatsClient Object Store API extensions
#614 opened by mtmk - 0
INatsClient Services API extensions
#615 opened by mtmk - 0
INatsClient KV API extensions
#613 opened by mtmk - 0
Tests/usage of mirroring and stream sourcing
#634 opened by mtmk - 0
KV Bucket Mirror and Domain Support
#642 opened by mtmk - 2
INatsKVStore.GetKeysAsync cause connection leak
#621 opened by Bykiev - 0
Missing Type-Forwarders
#640 opened by VaticanUK - 0
Test flappers
#579 opened by mtmk - 5
- 2
NatsConnection.SubscribeAsync<T>() not respecting CancellationToken. Takes 30 seconds to terminate program.
#635 opened by knallle - 4
- 18
MaxMsg=1 not respected. second message ALWAYS gets redelivered as if its ackwait started before yielded
#608 opened by mattbdc - 2
NatsWebSocketOpts improvements
#610 opened by mtmk - 4
AOT-friendly documentation
#611 opened by mtmk - 0
Make the NuidWriter class public
#617 opened by Madgvox - 6 JetStream singleton issues
#620 opened by Bykiev - 3
Inability to create Jetstream consumer in nats-server version 2.8 and below
#606 opened by Ivandemidov00 - 6
Reconnection problems
#586 opened by uhfath - 4
NatsObjStore.ListAsync hangs if bucket is empty
#563 opened by darkwatchuk - 7
- 1
Add additional key checks for KV
#575 opened by darkwatchuk - 11
- 4
Improve Test fixtures
#558 opened by galvesribeiro - 0
Retry loop stopped and connection state is invalid
#553 opened by mtmk - 0
Optimize Objectstore Base64URL encoding bits
#557 opened by to11mtm - 0
Check multiple KV filters against consumer info
#546 opened by mtmk - 0
Add filtering to KV method returning all keys
#521 opened by Jarema - 3
- 5
- 2
- 0
Improve netstandard TLS support
#520 opened by mtmk