I'm Alfin. Open to collaboration, discussion and remote work.

My tech blog

I regularly upload articles to my blog. Some of my recent articles:

Open Source

  • nodejs-ddd-ca: Domain driven design & clean architecture in NodeJS
  • xstate: A State machines library for elixir
  • natserract-ai: Doc2Vec, Langchain and OpenAI to chat with Natserract blog
  • lamblichus: Functors macros in Elixir inspired from haskell, and purescript
  • breath: CLI for generate page/components base on Templates
  • predict-sugar: Syntactic sugar for if, else statements by a function
  • use-recursive-fetch-paginate: React hook for handles fetching data recursively from a paginated API
  • cdd-react: Built React components from scratch using the Component-Driven Development (CDD)
  • rust-git-hooks: Rust Git Hooks
  • frontend-trainee: Frontend things