
Semantic Text Similarity Dataset Hub

Primary LanguagePython

Semantic Text Similarity Dataset Hub

A typical NLP machine learning task involves classifying a sequence of tokens such as a sentence or a document, i.e. approximating a function

f_a(s) ∈ [0,1]

(where f_a may determine a domain, sentiment, etc.). But there is a large class of problems that are often harder and involve classifying a pair of sentences:

f_b(s1, s2) ∈ [0,1]*c

(where s1, s2 are sequences of tokens and c is a rescaling factor like c=5).

Typically, the function f_b denotes some sort of semantic similarity, that is whether (or how much) the two parameters "say the same thing". (However, the function could do something else - like classify entailment or contradiction or just topic relatedness. We may include such datasets as well.)

This repo aims to gather a variety of standard datasets for training and evaluating such models in a single place, with the base belief that it should be possible to build generic models for f_b that aren't tailored to particular tasks (and even multitask learning should be possible).

Most of the datasets are pre-existing; text similarity datasets that may be redistributed (at least for research purposes) are included. Always check the licence of a particular dataset. Some datasets may be original though, because we are working on many applied problems that pertain training such a function...

Pull requests welcome that extend the datasets, or add important comments, references or attributions. Please let us know if we misread some licence terms and shouldn't be including something, we'll take that down right away!

Pull request that include simple baselines for f_b models are also welcome. (Simple == they fit in a couple of screenfuls of code and are batch-runnable. Python is preferred, but not mandatory.)

Package Overview


  • sts/ SemEval STS Task - multiple years, each covers a bunch of topics that share the same precise similarity metric definition

  • sick2014/ SemEval SICK2014 Task

  • SemEval 2014 Cross-level Semantic Similarity Task

  • msr/ MSR Paraphrase Dataset (TODO: pysts manipulation tools)

  • RTE Datasets (TODO)

  • anssel-wang/ Answer Sentence Selection - original Wang dataset

  • anssel-yodaqa/ Answer Sentence Selection - YodaQA-based

  • Property Selection (based on WebQuestions + YodaQA; TODO)

  • Argus Dataset (Yes/No Question vs. News Headline; work in progress)

  • COCO image-sentence ranking experiments

So, this is for now as much a TODO list as an overview.

TODO: We should explain also the nature of the datasets - size, their exact f_b definition, or whether contradictions occur.

Software tools

  • pysts/ Python module contains various tools for easily working with the dataset
  • examples/ contains a couple of baselines on various tasks

Other Datasets

Some datasets could not have been included for legal or size reasons, but you might find them inspiring:

Algorithm References

Here, we refer to some interesting models for sentence pair classification. We focus mainly on papers that consider multiple datasets or are hard to find; you can read e.g. about STS winners on STS wiki.

Licence and Attribution

Always check the licences of the respective datasets you are using! Some of them are plain CC-BY, others may be heavily restricted e.g. for non-commercial use only. Default licence for anything else in this repository is ASLv2 for the code, CC-BY 4.0 for data.

There should be a paper on this conglomerate of datasets (and comparison of f_b metrics) to cite soon! (As of Jan 2016.) Watch this space for the reference when it's done.