Clothing Shop

View app on Heroku


Develop a responsive website for a clothing retailer. The page displays all available products and the shopping basket to which they can be added.

###User stories

  1. As a User I can add a product to my shopping cart
  2. As a User I can remove a product from my shopping cart
  3. As a User I can view the total price for the products in my shopping cart
  4. As a User I can apply a voucher to my shopping cart
  5. As a User I can view the total price for the products in my shopping cart with discounts applied
  6. As a User I am alerted when I apply an invalid voucher to my shopping cart
  7. As a User I am unable to add Out of Stock products to the shopping cart

###Discount vouchers

Apply vouchers to your order by typing one of the following codes into the Voucher Code box and pressing the Submit Voucher button.

AWESOME5OFF - £5 off your order
AWESOME10OFF - £10 off orders over £50
AWESOME15SHOE - £15 off orders over £75 which contain at least one footwear item


  • Users can only apply one voucher to their order at a time. If a new voucher is applied successfully, the previous voucher is removed.
  • Users can see all products, including those which are currently out of stock. They cannot order or increase the desired quantity of an out of stock product.


Testing: Karma, Protractor
Application Code: Javascript, HTML & CSS
Frameworks: AngularJS, Bootstrap

##How To Run

###Serve locally

  1. Ensure you have npm and bower installed
  2. Clone this repo (git clone
  3. In terminal, go to the root of the folder and type the following commands into terminal
  4. npm install
  5. bower install
  6. npm start
  7. Navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser of choice

###Run Tests

Protractor Feature Tests

  1. Type npm start into terminal
  2. Open a new terminal window (leave the initial window running) and type protractor test/e2e/conf.js

Karma Unit Tests

Type karma start test/karma.conf.js into terminal

##File Structure:

    ├── bower.json
    ├── css
    │   └── main.css
    ├── images
    ├── index.html
    ├── js
    │   ├── app.js
    │   ├── awesomeclothing.json
    │   ├── clothingShopController.js
    │   ├── dataService.js
    │   └── orderProducts.js
    ├── package.json
    └── test
        ├── clothingShopController.spec.js
        ├── dataServiceSpec.spec.js
        ├── e2e
        │   ├── clothingShopFeature.js
        │   └── conf.js
        ├── karma.conf.js
        └── orderProductsSpec.spec.js

##Future Improvements

  • Pin shopping basket to top of window, so that when a user scrolls down the basket is still visible.
  • Refactor payment and voucher logic into a separate service.
  • Enhance mobile experience by hiding the shopping basket on small devices. This would be achieved by implementing a single column layout with a side menu (basket) that would be shown by tapping a basket icon in the header area.
  • Replace bootstrap buttons with custom button images.

View app on Heroku