React wrapper around a d3 v6 based org chart.
This is based on smartprocure/react-org-chart which itself is also a fork. This fork has been updated to use d3 v6 and expose typescript types.
DEMO: https://ctrl-react-orgchart.vercel.app
npm install @ctrl/react-orgchart
import { OrgChart } from '@ctrl/react-orgchart';
<OrgChart tree={tree} />;
Sample tree data
id: 1,
entity: {
id: 1,
// base 64 image
avatar: '....',
name: 'Jane Doe',
title: 'IT',
children: [
id: 2,
entity: {
id: 2,
// svg example
avatar: '<svg></svg>',
name: 'John Foo',
title: 'CTO',
children: [],