
Exports your Kaize.io anime and manga lists, powered by Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

(Unofficial) Kaize.io List Backupper

Backup your anime & manga lists on Kaize in JSON format by scraping HTML, powered by Python under MIT License.

This script mainly used for nattadasu/animeManga-autoBackup project for backup anime & manga lists automation in PowerShell from several sites.

Table of Contents


This script may requires Python 3.6 or greater. You may need to install required dependencies by running following command in terminal/command prompt:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: Depends on the OS and distro, use python3 to python to avoid any issue.


python ./main.py


-u, --username

Type: String

Set Kaize profile name (username) for backup.

If argument did not called, script will prompt in initialization.

-t, --type

Type: String
Options: anime, manga

Select which media type to export.

If argument did not called, script will prompt in initialization.

-o, --out-file, --output

Type: String (Path)
Default: ./kaize_animeList.json, ./kaize_mangaList.json

Set where file will be saved as JSON.

Script will automatically append .json to file name if not set.

-h, --help

Show a help menu.