🎉 Python Nutrition Label

Document is Python project base on Open Food Fact for detect nutrition label by optimization image pre-proceesing before use OCR processing

version rating uptime

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🆕 New Update

  • Thai Language OCR

⭐ Features

  • Table Detection
  • Text Detection & Extraction
  • Image Pre-Processing
    • Invert Image to Grayscale
    • Rescale Image
    • Noise Removal
    • Rotation and Deskewing
  • Image Post-Processing

💗 Repository

PS C:\> git remote -v show
PS C:\> git add .
PS C:\> git commit -m "Update"
PS C:\> git push azure
PS C:\> git push github

💎 Requirement

🥈 Run

mkvirtualenv nutrition
workon nutrition
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
python detection.py -i data/test_images/ocr_eng_07.jpg

👉🏼 Try it out

# data/result/output.jpg
# data/nutrition.csv