An exploration of topics and technologies presented in the Codesmith software engineering immersive program through a program calendar website with a to-do list and weather forecast functionalities. Contents of the program calendar are taken from the Our Community Bikes website which the author is a current volunteer with the organization.
Technologies explored:
- React (bootstrapped with Create React App)
- React hooks
- Express
Topics explored:
- Semantic HTML
- State management
Step 1: Clone the repo to your desired folder in your local environment
git clone
Step 2: Start the application. In terminal run:
npm run dev
If the webpage does not open on its own, view it in your browser by entering the URL http://localhost:3000.
- WMO Code mapping reference:
- Additional styling: potentially custom scroll bar for to-do list, make forecast easier to read
- Add links to program schedule
- [Stretch goal] Add weather icon to forecast (Potential resource here)