
Tested with Stylus for UserCSS and Violentmonkey for userscripts.


Premiere Eardrum Saver

Lower the volume of premiering videos, and restore the volume when the countdown finishes. Does not account for playback rate changes.

Install UserScript

Loudness Correction

Amplify videos to equal loudness using the peak loudness value from YouTube. Not recommended for use in Firefox until this bug is fixed.

Install UserScript

Channel Balance

Set a video to play back in only the left or right channels.

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Preferred Caption Language

Select captions only from a list of preferred languages, otherwise disable them.

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Live Chat

Live Chat UI (CSS)

Highlight and sticky live chat comments from moderators and owners.

Install UserCSS

Aggressive Chat Reader

Force YouTube Live Chat to poll for new messages every second, instead of the default 5 seconds.

Install UserScript

Chat Add Info

Add seconds to live chat timestamps, and add a link to message authors' channels.

Install UserScript

Force Columns

Add menu items to force single- or double-column mode regardless of viewport width, useful for forcing live chat below the video.

Install UserScript