Custom ListViewAnimation

Required dependencies

dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'
    compile 'com.nhaarman.listviewanimations:lib-core:3.1.0@aar'
    compile 'com.nhaarman.listviewanimations:lib-manipulation:3.1.0@aar'
  • listviewanimations library uses nineoldandroids for animations
  • listviewanimations provides sweeeeet animation adapters you can put your existing adapters into.

How to use

  1. Populate your data source using an ArrayList

    ArrayList<NotificationEntry> notificationEntries = ...;

  2. Use a DynamicListView in your layout.

         android:fitsSystemWindows="true" />

    NOTE that adding your DynamicListView in a RelativeLayout will cause some animations to stop working.

  3. Set an animation adapter of your choice using your data source from (1) and DynamicListView from (2). There are 3 defined in MainActivity

    1. setUndoSwipeAdapter: allows you to undo the swipe to delete
    2. setSwipeDismissAdapter: allows you to swipe to delete
    3. setSwingFromRightAdapter: notifications slide in from the right
  4. There's the option to set the number of visible notifications at any time. Just use setNumberOfVisibleNotifications specifying the DynamicListView and the number you want visible.

    1. This method uses these values from the dimens.xml

  5. If you want to edit the layout of...

    1. the notification items, it is in notification_layout
    2. the undo row (what appears when you swipe a undo-able notification), it is in undo_row
    3. Both layouts share some values
      1. color/notification_card
      2. dimens/notification_height
      3. dimens/notification_bottom_margin
      4. dimens/notification_top_margin

Add-ons (Required)

  1. The NotificationEntry class has been edited to include more defined values based on the NotificationType

    1. getCardColorResFromType
    2. getIconFromType
  2. The NotificationType now has a SIGN_IN value.

  3. Several resources were added to match the mockups, they are required for these notifications to work

    1. drawable/ic_info_outline
    2. drawable/ic_warning
    3. mipmap/ic_device_bulb