Apache NiFi ReverseProxy

This is an experiment project to improve Apache NiFi S2S so that it can work with Reverse Proxies such as Nginx or HA proxy in between S2S clients and remote NiFi cluster nodes.

Includes following resources:

  • Different NiFi setups:
    • Standard Plain, Standard Secure, Cluster Plain, Cluster Secure
    • These NiFi instances are running directly on a localhost, using symbolic links to the local nifi SNAPSHOT buid directory to reduce disk usage
  • Nginx docker files for various configuration evaluation
    • Configurations in this project assumes:
      • a docker host is running on a Virtual Box instance whose IP is
      • localhost has a network interface whose IP is which can be accessed by the docker host and containers
  • proxyclient: A java project to test S2S against different NiFi environment with or without a Reverse Proxy in the middle

NiFi updates

This branch has improvements on NiFi side. https://github.com/ijokarumawak/nifi/tree/nifi-4932

UPDATE: NIFI-4932 has been merged and available since NiFi 1.7.0.


In order to run different setup at the same time, following ports are used to avoid conflicts.

Name host sp ss cp cs
Nginx RAW Docker Host 7080,7081 7444,7481 17090,17091,17092 17490,17491,17492
Nginx RAW Server name Docker Host - - 17190,17191 17590,17591
Nginx HTTP Docker Host 7070 7443 17080 17443
Nginx HTTPS Terminate Docker Host - - 17453 -
nifi debug localhost 8000 8001 8002,8003 8004,8005
nifi.web.http.port localhost 8080 8443 18080,18081 18443,18444
nifi.remote.input.socket.port localhost 8081 8481 18091,18092 18491,18492
nifi.cluster.node.protocol.port localhost N/A N/A 18071,18072 18471,18472
Embed Zookeeper client port localhost N/A N/A 2181 2182
Embed Zookeeper server localhost N/A N/A 2888:3888 2889:3889
CacheServer localhost 8010 8011 8012 8013
HandleHttpRequest localhost 8020 8021 8022 8023
ListenHttp localhost 8030 8031 8032,8033 8034,8035

How to use


  • Go to one of the NiFi environment dirs: $ cd nifi/cluster-secure/nifi0
  • Create symlinks to an installed NiFi resources. This project only provides predefined conf dirs, you need to install NiFi in different directory.
    • $ ln -s <your-nifi-home>/lib
    • $ ln -s <your-nifi-home>/docs
    • $ cp -rp <your-nifi-home>/bin
  • Then, start NiFi: $ bin/nifi.sh start


You need to build a Nginx docker image you want to use:

  • Go to one of the Nginx docker dirs: $ cd nginx/cluster-secure-http
  • Build a docker image, the script uses current location to resolve name: ../../docker-build.sh

Then, run a Nginx docker container:

$ ../../docker-run.sh