
This repository contains my solutions to assignments for CS231n Spring, 2017

Primary LanguageHTML

CS224n winter 2017

All lecture notes, slides and assignments for CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning class by Stanford

The videos of all lectures are available on YouTube

This repository includes all my solutions to assignments and also fix for python 3.6.

Fix for Python 3.6

I made some changes to Python codes because original codes are based on Python 2.

For All Assignments:

  • Put parenthesis to print() function.
  • Changed xrange() to range()
  • Changed import cPickle as pickle to import pickle

For Assignment 1

  • URL in get_datasets.sh is not working since link to glove.6B.50d.txt is dead. So i changed download link to this github repository and it's working well! If get_dataset.sh does not work, Please let me know.

    Also, you can use below link to download glove data.

  • In Python 3, You don't have to take care of peculiar encodings in treebank.py line 68

    I changed from

    sentences += [[w.lower().decode('utf-8').encode('latin-1') for w in splitted]]


    sentences += [[w.lower() for w in splitted]]
  • If you run $ python q3_run.py, you will see an error below.

    TypeError: write() argument must be str, not bytes
  • This error is raised since pickle.dump() and pickle.load() do not accept string as input(docs). So, file should be opened in binary mode.

    # Error!
    with open("saved_params_%d.npy" % iter, "w") as f:
        pickle.dump(params, f)
    # Good!
    with open("saved_params_$d.npy" % iter, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(params, f)
  • In Question 4, print >> "~~" is used to write string to file. But this statement is not supported in Python 3, So i changed those lines to print("~~", file=f)

For Assignment 2

  • In /utils/parser_utils.py, you should change from general_utils to from .general_utils. I'm not sure why Python cannot find this module, but maybe this error is related to issue with relative import or absolute import. If you know well about this issue, please let me know.

    # Not working!
    from general_utils import logged_loop, get_minibatches
    # Working!
    from .general_utils import logged_loop, get_minibatches