Creates a reMarkable Notebook from multiple PDF files.
- V1.1 - All pdf pages are converted, no need to split file ( needs pdfinfo command )
- V1.2.0 - Some options added: Verbosity, Usage, Version; Cleanup and Checks
- V2.1.0 - Image formats png/jpg can be directly converted -s option to scale notebook page size
In the example folder. PDF are not correctly ingested.
Create a /var/lib/pdf2rmnotebook folder and copy there the UUID* files from var/lib
- drawj2d
- pdfinfo: from your distribution package manager: Deb:poppler-utils
Run the script followed by the list of PDF files, it will create a file that can be uploaded to rM Cloud via rmapi tool.
$ pdf2rmnotebook 2d-3.pdf 3d-1.pdf shapes-1.pdf
$ pdf2rmnotebook -s 2 flower.png