
Terragrunt Infra Deployment

Primary LanguageHCL

Terragrunt Example

Initialize your workstation

export BUCKET="devops-workshop-$(uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")"
export ACCOUNT_ID=""
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket "${BUCKET}"

Provision a VPC

terragrunt init
cd infra/vpc
terragrunt apply

Provision an EKS

terragrunt init
cd infra/eks
terragrunt apply

Provision an EFS

terragrunt init
cd infra/efs
terragrunt apply

Provision a nodeGroup

terragrunt init
cd infra/nodeGroups/managed-node-group/internal-services
terragrunt apply

Provision a metrics-server

terragrunt init
cd infra/metrics-server
terragrunt apply

Provision an ingress-nginx

terragrunt init
cd services/ingress-nginx
terragrunt apply

Add the following to your /etc/hosts:

echo "$(dig +short <NLB DNS>) anthonycornell.com."

navigate: https://anthonycornell.com/apple https://anthonycornell.com/banana

curl  http://anthonycornell.com/apple
curl  http://anthonycornell.com/banana