
This repository demonstrates an integration between the Figma plugin Tokens Studio, and Style Dictionary with some customisation so that the following requirements have been met:

  • A single file of CSS variables is created, containing all primitives (static tokens), alisases (theme tokens) and component tokens. Check tokens/tokens.css.
  • Aliases are not parsed, so that the relationships between tokens (i.e. when a token equals a token) are preserved. For example, --font-size-200: var(--font-size-base)*2;.
  • Typography composite tokens preserve aliases (i.e. a typography token containing a font weight, font size, line height, and font family). For example, --content-lg: var(--font-weight-400) var(--font-size-100)/normal var(--font-family-content);.

Running the repository

First, install dependencies:

yarn install

Paste the JSON exported from the Tokens Studio plugin to the input.tokens.json file.

Compile the input tokens into a format compatible with Style Dictionary:

yarn build-tokens

Compile the generated output.tokens.json into CSS variables running

node index

In detail

Input tokens from the input.tokens.json file are compiled running the following script from the token-transformer plugin:

"token-transformer input.tokens.json output.tokens.json --expandTypography=false --preserveRawValue=true --resolveReferences=false",

Style Dictionary is configured so that references are preserved in the output:

options: {
        outputReferences: true,

A transformer transforms all tokens of type typography so that the output is a single value containing different alisases comprising a valid CSS font property:

  name: 'typography/shorthand',
  type: 'value',
  transitive: true,
  matcher: ({ type }) => type === 'typography',
  transformer: ({ value }) => {
    const { fontWeight, fontSize, lineHeight = 'normal', fontFamily } = value;
    return `${fontWeight} ${fontSize}/${lineHeight} ${fontFamily}`;

Note that, currently, line-height is not properly managed via Tokens Studio. Until a solution is found, the lineHeight value is hardcoded to the standard normal.

To do

  • Find the most appropriate solution to manage line height tokens in Tokens Studio.
  • When a token references another token within the same set, its value is parsed instead of preserving the alias.
  • Solve the --size-base issue, where 8px is parsed as 8rem.
  • Create transformers for all CSS shorthands, such as border