
My source of truth - An Angular Base Project Built on 1.x

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


An opinionated kickerstarter for AngularJS [1.x]. Based off Modular Design – with SMACSS at its core. It incorporates other open-source projects which can be maintained via BowerJS or NPM. A GruntJS configuration has also been implemented and provides common build processes including SASS, Compass, Compile, CSSMin, HTMLHint, Concatenation, Uglify, Watch and more.

Table of Content

  1. Getting Started
  2. Fire It Up
  3. Architecture
  4. Todo

Getting Started

Step 1: Install Dependencies

  1. node: follow the link and click the button
  2. ruby: this comes pre-installed on macs
  3. gem install sass & gem install compass
  4. npm install -g grunt-cli: installs grunt and grunt-cli globally
  5. npm install -g bower: installs bower globally
  • Depending on your permissions setup, you might need to prefix each command with sudo (use with caution)
  • All user level installs: cd ~ will put you at your user level

Step 2: Clone Project

You'll need to clone this repository so that its on your local computer.

	$ cd /path/to/your/repo
	$ git clone git@github.com:nauerster/ng-base.git (SSH Method)
	$ git clone https://github.com/nauerster/ng-base.git (HTTPS Method)

Git Commnands:

	$ git add -A                          : stages all files to commit (locally)
	$ git commit -am "Commit message"     : commits all files with a description
	$ git push origin {branch name}       : push committed files to repository
	$ git branch {new branch}             : creates a new working branch
	$ git checkout branch                 : switches you to your new branch


Wait! Did you install the aforementioned dependencies?

In Terminal/Command Line, navigate to the root directory (same level as package.json & bower.json)

	$ npm install         : installs node modules
	$ bower install       : installs vendor dependencies

Fire It Up:

In the same directory run the following commands:

	$ grunt serve     : kick's off the 'watch' task. The watch task will continue to run until you quit it (ctrl + c).
	$ node bin/www    : start's the node server. This command need's to run at the server level (e.g., src/server).
	$ grunt build     : will run all the same dev tasks, but will compress our css file for final release.

Directory Structure

  • Again, this project is based off Modular Design.
  • Files are grouped by feature rather than type, making it easier to find files related to a feature, which can help speed up the develoment cycle and minimize confusion.



  • [] Import latestet sass-base
  • [] Add Project Audit
  • [] Write out best practices, guidelines and design patterns


Project based on the amazing work of the following rockstars & projects.