A curated list of awesome free Android libraries, guides and help tools for developers
##Networking libraries
- Volley - Google's networking library.
- Retrofit - Fastest networking library at the moment.
- Ion - Very easy to work with. Method chaining.
- AndroidAsync - Low level networking library. Supports Websockets.
- Gson - Google's library for JSON serialization/deserialization
- Jackson - JSON serliazer/deserializer
- Boon JSON - Fastest JSON library. Included in Groovy 2.3
- OrmLite - @Annotations
- SugarOrm - Created for android only
- GreenDAO - ORM for android
- Active Android - Abstraction over SQLite
- Realm - new type of ORM. Built in C++.
- Ion - Built in image loading
- Volley - Built in image loading
- Universal Image Loader - Built specifically for image loading
- Image Loader - alternative to Universal Image Loader
- Picasoo - One of the best image downloading libraries which includes image transformations
- Glide - Picasso alternative. Can work with Volley.
- Google Analytics - Android analytics for each screen.
- Flurry - alternative to Google Analytics
- Crashlytics - easy crash logging tool which was bought from Twitter. Easy integration and wonderful work without having to touch anything.
- HockeyApp - Paid
- TestFlight - Support for android and iOS
- AppSee - Video of the crash. Paid.
- Crittercism - Paid.