
modelWindow.js is a project derived from lightbox.js. It exposes all basic functionality required to manage layer based components.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery modelWindow (previously called lightBox)

Customizable, CSS powered, jQuery modelWindow plugin.

It accepts CSS transitions classes to animate opening/closing. It takes little configuration or code to use it on your project.


modelWindow is available in jQUery and Zepto variants.
jQuery supports IE7+ and modern browsers.
Zepto supports IE10+ and modern mobile browsers.

Derived plugin

LightBox Try out the demo.
Drawer Try out the demo.



Model Options

Name Default Type Description
model null Element Node to be opened as lightBox
dimens {"height":"auto","width":"auto"} Object Dimensions of lightBox
resetForm false Boolean Reset FORM inside lightBox at open & close
fixed false Boolean Position lightbox as absolute or fixed.
zLayer true Boolean Change zIndex of black layer on opening new modelWindow
open {...} Object Opening properties
             |  minZIndex: `999`                 | Number  | Define minimum starting z-index for lightBox
             |  success  : `function(){}`        | Function | Open success callback
             |                                   |          | this is lightbox instance
             |  event    : `"click"`             | String   | Open trigger event.
             |  selector : `""`                  | String   | Selector for target delegation.
             |  anim     : `""`                  | String   | CSS animation class added on lightbox at open.

close | {...} | Object | Closing properties
| esc : true | Boolean | Close lightBox on escape key press. | layer : true | Boolean | Close lightBox on background layer click. | success : function(target){} | Function | Close success callback. | | | this : lightbox instance, target: node which fired close | returnFocus : true | Boolean | Return focus to trigger element on close. | anim : "" | String | CSS animation class added on lightbox at close. | nodes : {"target":"","event":"click","selector":""}| Object | Define nodes to close lightBox.

Drawer Options

Name Default Type Description
dir right String Direction of opening of drawer
zLayer false Boolean Set to false for mobile optimization
open {...} Object Opening properties
             |  anim     : `"sideIn"`        | String  | Default CSS animation sideIn.


$('#trigger').lightBox().open() Open lightBox

$('#trigger').lightBox().close() Close lightBox

$('#trigger').lightBox().on() Enable lightBox

$('#trigger').lightBox().off() Disable lightBox

$.fn.lightBox.close() Close topmost lightBox.

$.fn.lightBox.closeAll() Close all lightBox. `

Sample Structure

For a simple lightBox, add class .lightBox to container:

<div id="container" class="lightBox">
    Show content in lightBox

For a group of trigger which open single lightBox

<span class="trigger"> Trigger 1 </span>
<span class="trigger"> Trigger 2 </span>

<div id="container" class="lightBox">
    Show content in lightBox

<span class="trigger"> Trigger 3 </span>