Modification of Beryl Cummings scripts for discovering novel splicing events through RNA-seq
MendelianRNA-seq helps to discover novel splice sites in a sample given a list of bam files. calls upon samtools to report the presence of introns given a list of regions of interest and summarizes these results for read count. normalizes the read count of each site based on read support from nearby junctions. then filters out any site that is of low quality and/or is present in samples other than the one being studied. usually takes the longest to execute because it calls upon samtools based on the number of samples * the number of regions of interest. This step is parallelized and the number of worker processes can specified in the torque file or as an arguement to the standalone script. This number should be equal to or less than the number of cores on your system.
Run bcbio RNA-seq pipeline to get bam files
Create a list of genes of interest (muscular or kidney), in the format:
use genes.R for that.
Some ready list are in data folder.
cat kidney.glomerular.genes.bed | awk '{print $4"\t"$4"\t+\t"$1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\tNEXONS"}' >> kidney.glomerular.genes.list
Make and/or navigate to a directory containing all your .bam and corresponding .bai files. Run the novel splice junction discovery script. NOTE: there should not be any .txt files present beforehand in order for to run correctly.
qsub MendelianRNA-seq/Analysis/rnaseq.novel_splice_junction_discovery.pbs -v transcriptFile=kidney.glomerular.genes.list,bamList=bamlist.list,sample=sampleName
Mandatory parameters:
- transcriptFile, path to file produced in step 2
- sample, the name of the bam file you want to find novel junctions in, without the ".bam" extension. For example, if your file name is "findNovel.bam", then write "sample=findNovel"
Optional parameters:
bamList, a text file containing the names of all bam files used in the analysis, each on a seperate line. For example:
control1.bam control2.bam control3.bam findNovel.bam
minread, the minimum number of reads a junction needs to have (default=10)
threshold, the minimum normalized read count a junction needs to have (default=0.5)
transcript_model, the absolute path to a text file containing a list of known canonical splice junctions (default=/home/dennis.kao/tools/MendelianRNA-seq/gencode.comprehensive.splice.junctions.txt). This file is used in
processes, the number of worker processes running in the background calling samtools. This the slowest step in the program. This number should be equal to or less than the number of cores on your machine.
For torque users: This number should also be equal to or less than the number specified for ppn in rnaseq.novel_splice_junction_discovery.pbs:
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=10
The scripts output 2 files:
All.kidney.glomerular.genes.list, (where kidney.glomerular.genes is the name of your transcriptFile)
which contains all splice site information pertaining to all samples,
thresholdX.XX_novel_sampleName_norm_All.kidney.glomerular.genes.list.splicing.txt, (where X.XX is the threshold value, sampleName is the sample you want to discover novel junctions in, and All.kidney.glomerular.genes.list is the name of the input file)
which contains splice sites only seen in sampleName that have a read count > minRead and a normalized read count > threshold.
The "threshold" file contains text information in the format:
Here is a sample output:
UNC13C NEXON 15:54586263-54590009 22 1 22:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UNC13C NEXON 15:54685380-54707180 14 1 14:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UNC13C NEXON 15:54614294-54624241 19 1 19:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UNC13C NEXON 15:54914618-54915993 16 1 16:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UNC13C NEXON 15:54841890-54847630 19 1 19:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UNC13C NEXON 15:54527307-54528628 10 1 10:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UNC13C NEXON 15:54799393-54803951 14 1 14:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UNC13C NEXON 15:54624310-54625965 16 1 16:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UROS NEXON 10:127506885-127511598 14 1 14:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
UROS NEXON 10:127505095-127506791 15 1 15:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
VSNL1 NEXON 2:17830893-17836464 12 1 12:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
VSNL1 NEXON 2:17773504-17830677 10 1 10:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
VSNL1 NEXON 2:17722186-17773337 10 1 10:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
VWC2L NEXON 2:215338494-215342820 19 1 19:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
WDPCP NEXON 2:64040842-64054756 14 1 14:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
YIPF7 NEXON 4:44631565-44637938 12 1 12:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
ZNF331 NEXON 19:54041746-54042470 40 1 40:SAMPLE One annotated 40.0:SAMPLE
ZNF404 NEXON 19:44384289-44388108 12 1 12:SAMPLE Neither annotated -
The included transcript_model file gencode.comprehensive.splice.junctions.txt is based off of gencode v19.