
a dropdown terminal implementation for any WM/DE that supports window rules

Primary LanguageShell

Dropdown Terminal

This is an implementation for a dropdown terminal for any WM/DE that supports Window rules


  • A WM/DE that supports window rules (like bspwm)
  • A terminal that supports custom class names (like kitty)


First move the script to any bin path (I.E. /usr/bin/, ~/.local/bin, /usr/local/bin)


  • drop_terminal show > show the dropdown terminal
  • drop_terminal hide > hide the dropdown terminal
  • drop_terminal toggle > toggle the view of the dropdown terminal


In your WM/DE just create a rule to have the terminal use the class drop_terminal and spawn in you desire location (I.E. top of the screen)

bspwm sample

this will make the terminal with a class of drop_terminal appear on the right side of the screen (see preview below)

bspc rule -a drop_terminal state=floating rectangle=650x1070+1265+5


You can have custom keybinding to show/hide/toggle the dropdown_terminal

sxhkd sample

super + ctrl + q
	drop_terminal toggle


preview preview