
To reduce the clutter on my Github, I have merged my first few freelance projects into a single repository. Check out my web dev self-learning journey from unformatted vanilla HTML/CSS to WebGL, ReactJs, full-stack development, and more.

My first freelancing projects

Here are a few toy projects and such that helped me learn how to make web applications

*All of these projects have either been transferred to another dev or are no longer maintained.

[Paragon SPG]
A website I made for large contracting/consulting firm.
Tools/Languages: Javascript, SEO practices (XML maps, FCP, etc.), System Admin, Netlify, and Photoshop.

[Adventure Blog][repo]
My blog. Tons of pictures and content (loaded programmatically). Cool ThreeJs animations.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs, React Router), Cloudiniary, Netlify, Photoshop, and Premiere.

[RD Recicla]
A website I was paid to create in 2019 that provides geographical data on places items can be recyvled at in the Dominican Republic.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Google Maps API, Netlify, Photoshop, and Premiere.

[Spott][private repo]
A cool website I made for an UChicago mobile application startup I interned at.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs, React Router), SEO practices (XML maps, FCP, etc.), Cloudiniary, Netlify, Photoshop, and Premiere.

[Tweet Generator][repo]
A website that “trains” itself to a user's tweets (accessed with the twitter API) and then uses Markov chains to predict a tweet they would make.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs), Python (Tweepy, Django), AWS (Lambda, API Gateway, Lambda Layers), Netlify, Heroku, and Photoshop.

[Personal Dev Profile][repo]
A website I created in 2019 to display my projects (before I used LinkedIn).
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs), Netlify, and Photoshop.

[Pool Placeholder Website][private repo]
A place holder I made for a UChicago mobile application startup.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs), Cloudiniary, Netlify, and Photoshop.

[Edge Placeholder][private repo]
A place holder I made for the premier UChicago entrepreneurship club.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs), Cloudiniary, Netlify, and Photoshop.

[Atrium Placeholder][private repo]
A place holder I made for a UChicago startup.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Cloudiniary, Netlify, Illustrator and Photoshop.

here are links to some of my projects that are products of my learning from the work below.


[Class of 2023 clock]
After our first quarter at school, my friend and I felt as if time had gone by too fast. We wanted a way to keep track of our time - this was our solution (time calculations may be inaccurate because of covid).
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs) and Photoshop.

[RD Recicla]
This was the first website I was paid to make. I was hired to create RD Recicla to help people recycle in the Dominican Republic. There is a language toggle and custom google map. The google map api is no longer connected to a credit card so there is an overlay on the map.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Google Maps API, Netlify, Photoshop, and Cloudinary.

[Root Cellar Makerspace placeholder website]
I created this placeholder for a makerspace founding group I was part of when I was in high school. Cool three.js animation.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs), Netlify, and Photoshop.

[BuildaBot Ghana]
A quick website I made for a project I ran in Ghana with my old nonprofit.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Netlify, and Photoshop.

[STEM-Dominica V2]
A quick website I made for a couple projects in the Dominican Republic with my old nonprofit.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Netlify, and Photoshop.


[A productivity Chrome app]
This was my first project in ReactJs. A productivity Chrome app that has an interactive to-do list, the current date, and customizable hot links that appear every time that the user opens a new tab. The idea was that in order to prevent myself from getting distracted, everytime that I would open a new tab I would be forced to look at my to-do list. I still use this today.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Chrome Developer Tools, Netlify and Photoshop.

[The CC V1 and V2]
I created this website for my friend who was starting a SAT/ACT help newsletter.
V2 (live): Remade in ReactJs, connected to an Spring Boot API hosted on AWS. Frontend code in "thecc", backend code in "theccbackend".
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Java (Spring Boot), Serverless, AWS (EC2, IAMs, Lambda, MongoDB), and Netlify.
V1: Made in vanilla HTML and CSS. Code found in "theccfrontend".
Tools/Languages: HTML/CSS and Godaddy.

[Omnified’s website V1 and V2]
My LLC’s old website.
V2 (live): Remade in ReactJs. Code found under "omnified-in-react".
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs), Netlify, and Photoshop.
V1: Made in vanilla HTML and CSS.
Tools/Languages: HTML/CSS and Photoshop.

[ORION’s website V1 and V2]
My nonprofit’s old website.
V2 (live): Remade in ReactJs. Code found under "orion-in-react".
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, React Router), Netlify, and Photoshop.
V1: Made in vanilla HTML and CSS. Code found under "omnified.org".
Tools/Languages: HTML/CSS and Photoshop.

[Frederick Makerspace website]
I created this website for a makerspace founding group I was part of when I was in high school. My first project with three.js animation. I later cloned the backend used for "TheCC" to collect emails for this website.
Tools/Languages: Javascript (ReactJs, ThreeJs, React Router), Java (Spring Boot), Serverless, AWS (EC2, IAMs, Lambda, MongoDB), Netlify, and Photoshop.


[STEM-Dominica V1]
My very first website. Made with vanilla HTML and CSS. Also a reminder of my youth, as I created this in a single all nighter without any caffeine. The good old days, now I can't live without at least 7 hours.
Tools/Languages: HTML/CSS