
Gopher server / client implementation written in Swift (RFC 1436 and More)

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

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  • swift-gopher : Gopher server implementation written in Swift
  • swiftGopherClient: Gopher client library written in Swift ( w/ Support for Network.Framework on Apple platforms)

This package also provides GopherHelpers which may be useful while building a client. A PoC client for iOS/macOS/iPadOS called iGopherBrowser uses both GopherHelpers and swiftGopherClient

You can interact with my hosted gopher server at gopher://gopher.navan.dev or https://gopher.navan.dev

USAGE: swift-gopher [--gopher-host-name <gopher-host-name>] [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--gopher-data-dir <gopher-data-dir>] [--disable-search] [--disable-gophermap]

  -g, --gopher-host-name <gopher-host-name>
                          Hostname used for generating selectors (default: localhost)
  -h, --host <host>       (default:
  -p, --port <port>       (default: 8080)
  -d, --gopher-data-dir <gopher-data-dir>
                          Data directory to map (default: ./example-gopherdata)
  --disable-search        Disable full-text search feature
  --disable-gophermap     Disable reading gophermap files to override automatic generation
  -h, --help

Get Started

git clone https://github.com/navanchauhan
cd swift-gopher
swift build -c release && swift run swift-gopher

Then, you can either use lynx or curl (or other Gopher clients) to connect to the server.

lynx gopher://localhost:8080
# Or,
curl gopher://localhost:8080

Note: Depending on user privileges, you may not be able to bind to port 70.

To give privilege to the binary on Linux, you can use the following command:

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip ./.build/release/swift-gopher

You can also refer to the systemd file below to grant the binary the same privileges



Sample systemd file:


ExecStart=/home/swift-gopher/swift-gopher/.build/release/swift-gopher --port 70 --gopher-host-name gopher.navan.dev --gopher-data-dir /home/swift-gopher/gopher_data


HTTP Proxy

Although, swift-gopher does not currently have a native HTTP handler, you can use self host some of the following packages to proxy the Gopher server to HTTP:


  • Add Tests
  • Add CI
  • Add more documentation
  • Automatic Versioning
  • Verify Compatibility with other Gopher Clients
  • Support Gemini Protocol
  • Add a client library
  • Add native HTTP handler
  • Guestbook

Generating Docs

./generate_docs.sh swiftGopherClient swift-gopher GopherHelpers

Reference Documentation

Reference Documentation is hosted at https://web.navan.dev/swift-gopher