Eva Maria Logo

Eva Maria Bot

Stars Forks Size
Open Source Love svg2
Contributors License Sparkline


  • Auto Filter
  • Manual Filter
  • IMDB
  • Admin Commands
  • Broadcast
  • Index
  • IMDB search
  • Inline Search
  • Random pics
  • ids and User info
  • Stats, Users, Chats, Ban, Unban, Leave, Disable, Channel
  • Spelling Check Feature
  • auto forward


Read this before you start messing up with your edits.

Required Variables

  • BOT_TOKEN: Create a bot using @BotFather, and get the Telegram API token.
  • API_ID: Get this value from telegram.org
  • API_HASH: Get this value from telegram.org
  • CHANNELS: Username or ID of channel or group. Separate multiple IDs by space
  • ADMINS: Username or ID of Admin. Separate multiple Admins by space
  • DATABASE_URI: mongoDB URI. Get this value from mongoDB. For more help watch this video
  • DATABASE_NAME: Name of the database in mongoDB. For more help watch this video
  • LOG_CHANNEL : A channel to log the activities of bot. Make sure bot is an admin in the channel.

Optional Variables

  • PICS: Telegraph links of images to show in start message.( Multiple images can be used seperated by space )
  • Check info.py for more


You can deploy this bot anywhere.

Watch Deploying Tutorial...

Deploy To Heroku


Deploy To VPS

git clone https://github.com/EvamariaTG/evamaria
# Install Packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Edit info.py with variables as given below then run bot
python3 bot.py


• /logs - to get the rescent errors
• /stats - to get status of files in db.
* /filter - add manual filters
* /filters - view filters
* /connect - connect to PM.
* /disconnect - disconnect from PM
* /del - delete a filter
* /delall - delete all filters
* /deleteall - delete all index(autofilter)
* /delete - delete a specific file from index.
* /info - get user info
* /id - get tg ids.
* /imdb - fetch info from imdb.
• /users - to get list of my users and ids.
• /chats - to get list of the my chats and ids 
• /index  - to add files from a channel
• /leave  - to leave from a chat.
• /disable  -  do disable a chat.
* /enable - re-enable chat.
• /ban  - to ban a user.
• /unban  - to unban a user.
• /channel - to get list of total connected channels
• /broadcast - to broadcast a message to all Eva Maria users
`• /forward - to forward file from a channel `
## Support
[![telegram badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-Group-30302f?style=flat&logo=telegram)](https://telegram.dog/EvaMariaSupport)
[![telegram badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-Channel-30302f?style=flat&logo=telegram)](https://telegram.dog/TeamEvamaria)

## Credits 
* [![EvaMaria-Devs](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=EvaMaria&message=devs&color=critical)](https://telegram.dog/EvaMariaDevs)

## Thanks to 
 - Thanks To Dan For His Awsome [Libary](https://github.com/pyrogram/pyrogram)
 - Thanks To Mahesh For His Awesome [Media-Search-bot](https://github.com/Mahesh0253/Media-Search-bot)
 - Thanks To [Trojanz](https://github.com/trojanzhex) for Their Awesome [Unlimited Filter Bot](https://github.com/TroJanzHEX/Unlimited-Filter-Bot) And [AutoFilterBoT](https://github.com/trojanzhex/auto-filter-bot)
 - Thanks To All Everyone In This Journey

### Note

[Note To A So Called Dev](https://telegram.dog/subin_works/203): 

Kanging this codes and and editing a few lines and releasing a V.x  or an [alpha](https://telegram.dog/subin_works/204), beta , gama branches of your repo wont make you a Developer.
Fork the repo and edit as per your needs.

## Disclaimer
[![GNU Affero General Public License 2.0](https://www.gnu.org/graphics/agplv3-155x51.png)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html#header)    
Licensed under [GNU AGPL 2.0.](https://github.com/EvamariaTG/evamaria/blob/master/LICENSE)
Selling The Codes To Other People For Money Is *Strictly Prohibited*.

## Inspiration
This is an attempt to create a clone of a BOAT made out of [banana trees 🌳](https://telegram.dog/GetTGLink/4187)

[![For Vaza](https://telegra.ph/file/e743b0c8a04252774bac2.jpg)](https://telegra.ph/file/98342dc186fd7484cba91.mp4 "Oru Kootam Vazhakalk samarpikkunnu")