Europe Crime Analysis in R

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I used data from Eurostat and CSO Ireland website (links to datasets are present in above link), to find out key points in data and visualize data such that in single graphics most of the data could be represented.

I have used below R packages in this reop:

  1. rio - for importing the datasets
  2. tidyverse (ggplot2, dplyr, tibble) - for manipulation and visualisation of data
  3. gganimate - for animating the visual output
  4. gifski, png - dependencies of gganimate

Phase 1

Data Description

The Eurostat crime dataset records offences (values per hundred thousand in-habitants) by 13 offence categories in 41 European Countries from year 2008 to 2017. link for further description

13 Offence categories
  1. Intentional homicide
  2. Attempted intentional homicide
  3. Assault
  4. Kidnapping
  5. Sexual violence
  6. Rape
  7. Sexual assault
  8. Robbery
  9. Burglary
  10. Burglary of private residential premises
  11. Theft
  12. Theft of a motorized land vehicle
  13. Unlawful acts involving controlled drugs or precursors
41 Countries
  1. Belgium
  2. Bulgaria
  3. Czechia
  4. Denmark
  5. Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
  6. Estonia
  7. Ireland
  8. Greece
  9. Spain
  10. France
  11. Croatia
  12. Italy
  13. Cyprus
  14. Latvia
  15. Lithuania
  16. Luxembourg
  17. Hungary
  18. Malta
  19. Netherlands
  20. Austria
  21. Poland
  22. Portugal
  23. Romania
  24. Slovenia
  25. Slovakia
  26. Finland
  27. Sweden
  28. England and Wales
  29. Scotland
  30. Northern Ireland (UK)
  31. Iceland
  32. Liechtenstein
  33. Norway
  34. Switzerland
  35. Montenegro
  36. North Macedonia
  37. Albania
  38. Serbia
  39. Turkey
  40. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  41. Kosovo (under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/99)
Data Visualization

I have used Bar charts as basic structure for graphical represenation of data using RStudio, ggplot2 package is used to define this basic structure. And for better visualisation over the whole period of time, I've also used gganimate package, to animate bar chart to change for every year available.