Java End-of-Course Project
To see the times of different Race Tracks :
- Grand Tour UK
- Top Gear UK
- Nordschleife DE
- Monteblanco ES
For the first boot of the program find the file: /com/lappers/controller/ and run IT
This application allows you to add track race times:
Introducing the Car
- Name of the car - Type of tyres (street,slick...) - Type of car (stock,racing...)
Introducing the Racer
- Name of racer - Racer country
Selecting one of the available circuits
- Monteblanco - Nurbur - Top gear test track - Grand tour test track
And after select :
- Wheater (wet,clear..)
- Simulated Time? (select if is a simulated or real time)
With all the data listed above you create a time, which is entered into the list of their corresponding race track
Finally you can see the list of times for each race track, ordered by:
- Lap time (obviusly and default)
- Wheater
- Time type (real or simulated)