
🔌 URL Shortener build using MERN stack, Material UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This web application is a single page application of URL Shortener.


This applications consists of two parts:

  1. Client: Single Page Application built with: React and MaterialUI.
  2. Server: HTTP REST API built with Node.js, Express and MongoDB.


Nodejs - v14.15.0
MongoDB Atlas - https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas

How to run


Go to server folder and add .env file at root with correct mongodb database url


Run following commands at terminal at root of server folder:

yarn install
yarn start

once the server app is running you can see this at terminal:

MongoDB connected
Running server on 5000


Next go to client folder and run these commands:

yarn install
yarn start

once the app is running you can open:

API: http://localhost:5000/api/status, http://localhost:5000/api/urls

UI: http://localhost:3000

on your browser.