MOC Ansible

This is the foundation of our Ansible-managed infrastructure.

Installing roles

The playbooks in this project depend on some external roles, defined in requirements.yml. You can install them like this:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path roles

If version in a requirement is set to master, Ansible can't tell when there's been an update. You can force a re-install by adding the --force option...

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path roles --force

...although it's better to use specific references (tags, commit ids, etc) in requirements.yml.

Running the playbooks

You will first need to point Ansible at an inventory file. If you have checked moc-inventory-prod into the parent of the current directory, you can set the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY environment variable like this:

export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=../moc-inventory-prod

Once you've set ANSIBLE_INVENTORY, you can run the site.yml playbook:

ansible-playbook site.yml

You can limit execution to a specific host (or host group) using -l:

ansible-playbook site.yml -l

You can limit execution to a specific role using tags (the auto_tags plugin generates tags for each role):

ansible-playbook site.yml -t moc_firewall

Directory structure

The directory structure follows some of the guidlines described in the Sample Ansible setup documentation.