
experimental PostgreSQL data type with encryption off-loaded to a trusted component

Primary LanguageC


A data type representing encrypted credit card numbers (or anything else that is sensitive and needs to be stored encrypted in the database).

The primary idea is offloading operations to a trusted component (running on a different machine, in a SGX/TrustZone, or just a different process), so that the database never sees plaintex data directly. The offloading allows the database to perform useful operations (index searches, ...) on the encrypted data, without a risk of leaking the decrypted data.

This is a PoC project, demonstrating the idea and possibilities. The code implements a minimal functionality, is inefficient in various ways, and generally untested.


All the crypto is done using libsodium [1], an implementation of NaCl [2]. This does not solve the issue of key management, though. In this PoC the key is hard-coded, but obviously that's not production-ready.

The encryption does have overhead, both in terms of disk space and CPU. Encryption makes each value 40B longer (nonce + MAC), and makes it look random (and thus non-compressible). The CPU usage is due to having to decrypt the values before performing operations.

Installing and usage

The PoC is consists of two main parts:

  • an extension implementing a "ccnumber" encrypted data type, offloading operations to the trusted component

  • "ccnumber-comparator" trusted component, performing operation on the encrypted data

There are also three python scripts useful for generating sample data with credit card numbers:

  • ccnumber-generator.py - generates file with ~220k records with both encrypted and plaintext card numbers

  • ccnumber-encrypt.py - encrypts a given text value (card number)

  • ccnumber-dencrypt.py - decrypts a given text value (card number)

The extension may be built like this:

$ make install $ make ccnumber-comparator

The trusted component (comparator) then needs to be started on a given port (e.g. 9999):

$ ./ccnumber-comparator 9999

Then you can install and use the extension from a database as usual:

db=# CREATE EXTENSION ccnumber; db=# CREATE TABLE t (cc_encrypted ccnumber, cc_plaintext text);

Generating the sample data is as simple as running the python script:

./ccnumber-generator.py > ccnumber.data

db=# COPY t FROM '/path/to/ccnumber.data';

db=# ANALYZE t;

db=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t WHERE cc_encrypted = '\x08b90080a07f2d...';

There are three GUC options affecting the offloading:

  • ccnumber.comparator_host - comparator hostname/IP (default:

  • ccnumber.comparator_port - comparator port (default: 9999)

  • ccnumber.optimize_remote_calls - use hashes to optimize-out call

Possible improvements

  1. communication overhead

The communication between PostgreSQL and the trusted component happens over regular TCP. While this is flexible and allows running the comparator on a separate host, it's not particularly efficient. Using a different communication protocol (e.g. shared-memory IPC) should reduce the overhead significantly.

  1. hash support

The current data type supports only comparison operations, i.e. sorting. Adding hash support is possible and fairly straight-forward (send data to trusted component and make it reply with a hash).

The question is how much this would weaken the encryption, because each hash value leaks a bit of information about the value. However, using a keyed-hash function (i.e. HMAC), possibly with a separate key, should not leak any additional information, compared to the comparisons.

The hash might even be stored with the value itself, eliminating some of the remote operations in various cases entirely. As it might be stored in hash indexes anyway, that does not seem like a major issue.

  1. ordering

B-tree indexes inherently leak information about ordering. The question is whether the values have some natural ordering worth preserving, or whether the ordering is needed merely for grouping etc. For card numbers we usually use lexicographic ordering, but there's nothing particularly meaningful about that - we usually sort the data by something else when showing them to users. So we can use any other ordering, as long as it's sane enough to support GROUP BY. For example we may use the hash value, which would eliminate most of the remote comparisons (to cases where the hashes are equal).

  1. other operations and/or aggregates

Depending on the data type, it's possible to support additional operations and aggregates. For example for numeric types it'd make sense to support addition or the usual aggregates. All it'd take is extending the trusted component to support these operations. For the aggregates, it's possible to do batching (accumulating multiple encrypted values and only then pass them to the trusted component) to reduce communication overhead.

Before implementing each operation, it's important to consider if it may leak valuable informatio. Generally, operations processing and producing only encrypted data are safe. But for example allowing "pattern matching" on encrypted data (with plaintext patterns) is unsafe, as the users may learn valuable information even without having the secret key (assuming they can communicate with the trusted component).

  1. ARM TrustZone, Intel SGX

One quite attractive option is running the trusted component on the same host, in an isolated environment. Both Intel and ARM have technologies (SGX/TrustZone) meant to allow this. Another option would be to run the trusted component on a special-purpose device (essentially HSM) connected to the host, depending on how programmable those are.

It might be possible to implement custom HSM on devices like usbarmory [3].

[1] https://download.libsodium.org/doc/ [2] http://nacl.cr.yp.to/ [3] https://inversepath.com/usbarmory.html